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24 jul, 2024

Alright! Here's the first blog post. As per usual, I have no idea what I am doing. This is probably definitely not the best way to do this. I am already dreading having to de-crapify this website. I shoud be using the CSS style sheet way more than I am. Instead of that, I just hard code everything I need on the HTML files. That is so gonna end up biting me in the ass later.

By the way, I do not intend to make a mobile version of this website any time soon. I barely even want this thing to be viewable in anything other than my machine lmao. I mean, it's kinda readable on a 720p display. If I got out of my ass and actually tried to make something decent, I bet I could come up with a website that is viewable on both 1080p and 720p, and it'd only take a month max.

I thought that having a pretty good understanding of LaTeX would have given me any help with HTML, cause they're pretty much the same thing right? Just one is for important stuff, and the other one I had to learn how to use for my colledge degree. Well, turns out it doesn't help much at all. Can't even center a div for the life of me.

I don't know if I'm gonna bother translating all of my blog posts to toki pona. It just seems like such a pain for the enjoyment of like, me and 2 other people max. If you enjoyed the fact that I took the time to translate most of the pages in this website into toki pona, send me an email at alyxcabral@gmail.com. This also reminds me, I've added toki pona translations to my website before adding translations to my native language -w- I think this says a lot about me. Not good things.

water kibble